What is the secret behind his amazing season? Kuroda has thrown the four seamer just 12.1% of the time in 2012, a 10.7% drop from 2011. He is utilizing the slider this year to compliment his sinker, throwing it 25.8% of the time, a 6.9% increase from 2011. His slider command has been good this year, throwing it for strikes 65.3% of the time, better than league average (63.4%). The whiff percentages also favor Kuroda as hitters have whiffed on his slider 15.8% of the time, better than the league average of 13.63%. Shying away from the straight four seamer has helped him keep the ball in the park and avoid Hughes-itis. Furthermore, the sinker, slider, splitter combination has helped him lower the 22% line drive percentage from 2011 to 19.6%. Weaker contact has helped him lower his ERA into the sub 3.5 range, and most scouts expected Kuroda to be hovering around 3.5 to 4 this year.


Kuroda has also pushed his ground ball percentage back up 50.1% on batted balls, a 6.9% increase from 2011. With powerful American League lineups from top to bottom, this change was needed and it was definitely needed in Yankees Stadium where pitchers like Phil Hughes and Ivan Nova have struggled to keep the ball in the park. Kuroda has generated 1.65 groundballs for every fly ball and that is his personal best since his rookie 2008 season with the Dodgers. He has become more effective in keeping the ball down as the season has progressed and with the combination of command, groundballs, and strikeouts, he has taken his game to the next level.


Kuroda enjoys and thrives on pressure pitching so the playoffs will be a perfect spot for him to showcase his talent for the 2013 free agency. Hopefully the Yankees see the talent they have in Kuroda and keep him around for another season or two, because there will be plenty of questions surrounding Phil Hughes and Ivan Nova and Kuroda would be one pitcher without any questions that need to be answered. He is who he is, a true pitcher and arguably the ace of the 2012 Yankee staff.


 いかに黒田のピッチングが結果だけでなく内容的に素晴らしいか、そしてどれだけ高く評価されているかが伺える。強打者揃いのアメリカンリーグで、強豪揃いのAL Eastで、それも打者有利のヤンキースタジアムで結果を残していることが特に評価されているポイントだろう。ライトが浅く左バッターのHRが量産されるヤンキースタジアムをホームに、得意のハードシンカーでグラウンドボールを量産するスタイルに磨きをかけた黒田の"洗練された大人のピッチング"は、ベースボールリテラシーの高いNYの玄人ファン達にウケるのだと思う。

