






「でも、小枝(のような細さ)にならないといけないとか、特定の体重・体型・サイズにならなければいけないというプレッシャーは無くなった(何があっても自分の体は美しいと受け入れられるようになった)。この自主隔離生活中にバリーズの30日間チャレンジ(@barrys 30 day challenge)を始めたんだけど、ここ10年間で最高の気分なの。嫌になるくらい大変なチャレンジだけど...。自分を恥じることはやめて、自分に自信を持ちたいときはただ自分に打ち勝っていきましょう。いいわね!!?」と、ボディ・コンフィデンスについて語った。


Okay so over 10 years ago, some of nude photos were leaked of me and many other actresses in the industry. To say I was MORTIFIED is an understatement; my body was and still is part of my job and I felt like I couldn't even walk around my work place thinking that everyone had seen every single piece of me (a couple of snide comments from co-stars game my way which didn't help). Shortly after that faded away into the abyss, I had two kids and became a mom, so till this day, I've been VERY sacred about how I display myself and definitely still don't even feel comfortable in anything riskay. But, to add no pressure to feeling like I need to be a twig or a certain weigh/shape/size (it's honestly a concept I've come to terms with that my body is beautiful regardless)...recently I began the @barrys 30 day challenge and I just want to say that during this quarantine I feel the best I've ever felt in over a decade its a f**cking challenge and a tough one at that, but I just want to say..let's not anyone feel ashamed of who we are and just go kick some ass when we want to and feel good about ourselves, okay!!? I'm done...

Heather Morris(@heatherrelizabethh)がシェアした投稿 -




Hope your holidays are filled with those you love and all things near and dear to your heart

Heather Morris(@heatherrelizabethh)がシェアした投稿 -


Photo:『Glee/グリー』(c)2009-2010 Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved.