
The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements | ANU College of Science




The acknowledgements are my favourite part of all my thesis.

Nian Jiang (2016). Growth and characterisation of GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires for optoelectronic device applications


This part of the thesis is the one that I was most looking forward to write.

Jorin Diemer (2022). A mathematical model of ion homeostasis in the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum


The production of a dissertation is a formidable, arduous and demoralising task.

Mahyar Bokaeeyan (2020). Analytical and approximate methods in rogue wave theory


When looking at the acknowledgements of others, I have found it is common practice for scholars to reserve their purplest prose and most overblown sentiment for their acknowledgements. If I had the skills, I would do so myself.

Martin Worthy (2013). A history of fire and sediment transport in the Cotter River catchment, southeastern Australia


Tom, few supervisors can say that their students have nearly killed them and mean it literally. Thanks for everything.

Iain McConnell (2008). Substrate interactions in the Photosystem II water oxidising complex


I would also like to thank the various astronomers who forgot to collect their desserts from the fridge over the years (they were not wasted).

Roberto Soria (1999). Accretion processes in black-hole binaries


Shout out to my friends on and off Stromlo, for their patrician taste in hot pot and KFC.

Jane Lin (2022). Galactic Archaeology: the Milky Way in the context of large scale surveys



I’m done.

John Dawson (2008). Satellite radar interferometry with application to the observation of surface deformation in Australia