



このコメントを読むと、私たちの身体の"小さなライン"は恥じるべき存在ではないことに気づかされるはず。コスモポリタン アメリカ版によると、バービーの投稿はメディアでも取り上げられ、若い世代にとって重要な意味を持つメッセージだと紹介されているのだとか。


Thank you @teenvogue for this write up. After I posted the picture of my stretch marks, not even a few hours later I was stood naked at work in front of strangers (super vulnerable position) and got asked what was wrong with my hips.. Pointing at my stretch marks. By a woman. Id be lying through my teeth if I didn't say micro-aggressions like this don't happen on the daily for me in this industry. And like I always do, I choke back the tears and keep going like nothing happened. Grown ass adults commenting on my teenage body needing spanx, bra cutlets to make me look "better" or Photoshopping my body to be "smoother" right in front of me- most of the time by plus clients. This industry is not cute, never has been. I don't want to sell you this idea that all these brands are so body positive when it's so few that actually represent what women look like not just an idealized version of a thick girl (like they try to do to me.) girls are not treated like people in this industry !! At all !! If you think my abuse is bad, ask a runway model who went from a 34 to a 35 inch hip.. They will tell you they flat out get told to starve and that they're looking fat. Shit isn't as pretty as it looks but.. I'm here to infiltrate from the inside. I truly don't know how much we can do as curvy models when we're still thought of as mannequins- just ones who are cursed to only wear peplums and tunics all day to cover our "flawed" bodies n show just our usually thin faces. Anyway, just wanted to rant because I am so privileged to be here but the flaws in this world make me feel like absolute garbage at the sake of getting paid and trying to spread my message. Not only the consumer is being told they're not good enough- even the girls in the pictures are given the same shit. But y'all got me trapped cuz I need to make a living and enjoy tf out of representing curvy girls all over !!! Jokes on me .

A photo posted by barbie ferreira (@barbienox) on



A photo posted by barbie ferreira (@barbienox) on


この業界では女の子は人間扱いされていないの、まったくもってね! 私への扱いがひどいと感じる人は、ヒップのサイズが86センチから89センチになってしまったランウェイモデルたちに聞いてみて。彼女たちは面と向かって″太ってる″とか、″食うな″とか言われるの。ぽっちゃりモデルの私たちがマネキン扱いされている世界で、私たちにできることなんてどれくらいあるんだろう…。

I pull up to castings in the most flagrant outfits n sneakers yet sumhow still out here

A photo posted by barbie ferreira (@barbienox) on



I'm a scene queen from 2005 now . Dreams do come true

A photo posted by barbie ferreira (@barbienox) on



Translation:Rubicon Solutions, Inc