
怖いのは、時にこれが過熱し、一定の体型を求める動きが強まること。コスモポリタン アメリカ版から、その動きの影響で運動中毒に陥ったある女性の投稿をご紹介します。

「queencitysweat」の名でインスタグラムに投稿を続けるフィットネススター、エリンさんは、最近「a different kind of transformation Tuesday(変身した姿を見せる日)」と題する写真とコメントを投稿。


A different kind of transformation Tuesday comin at ya. Left is February 2016, right is last week, June 2017. On the left I was ADDICTED to working out and was running myself into the ground. I was not eating close to what I should've been eating and ended up with a severe case of anemia causing a lack of energy to the point where I could barely get out of bed. Yet, I still forced myself to go to the gym although I felt like a zombie. The reason for this? Instagram. It becomes so easy to start comparing yourself to others on here, which led me to developing a mindset of - "how skinny can I get?" rather than "how healthy can I be?" A number on a scale does not and should not dictate happiness so I'm not going to get into that in this post. What I think I think is most important is how much HAPPIER I am in the photo on the right. I finally understand the term balance - my old idea of balance was cutting cals during the week, binging on the weekends, and then forcing myself to run miles on miles to make up for it. What is balance for me now? Listening to the cues my body gives me, eating intuitively (no more macros or calorie counting), nourishing my body with whole foods, taking rest days when my body needs them, and most importantly: prioritizing time with people I love. My only advice for you is don't fall into the Instagram trap. Not everything on here is picture perfect. Stop comparing yourself to others and start loving the body you have been given. After all, it is capable of great things!💪

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「理由? インスタグラム。見ていると他の人と自分を比べるようになって、『どれだけ健康になれるか?』じゃなくて、『どれだけ痩せられるか?』ばかり考えるようになってました」


「私はついにバランスという言葉の意味を理解したわ。昔は、平日の間カロリーを減らして、週末に飲んで、その分無理矢理走り続けるのがバランスだと思ってた。今の私にとってバランスとは何か? それは、自分の体に耳を澄まして、直感を信じて食べ(栄養素やカロリーを計算するのはやめて)、自然食品で栄養を摂り、休息が必要な時には休み、最も大切なことは、愛する人たちとの時間を最優先すること」




Translation:mayuko akimoto