妊娠検査薬は、尿に含まれるホルモンの1つ・ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン(hCG)を検出することで、妊娠しているかどうかを簡単に素早く判定することができるキットです。判定窓に2本の線が現れる検査薬だけではなく、「妊娠している」「いない」がはっきりと表示されるデジタル妊娠検査キットも使われています。実際のところ、このデジタル妊娠検査キットの中にはどういったパーツが組み込まれているのか、「ハードウェア・ソフトウェアネクロマンサー」を自称するFoone Turing氏が分解する過程をTwitterで公開していました。
I saw a tweet recently that I wanted to confirm. Sadly I can't find it right now, but it was about digital pregnancy tests.
So, I went out and grabbed a 2-pack for 7 dollars: let's tear it down! pic.twitter.com/1a0drwi7N5— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
This end pulls off, and has the absorbent "PEE HERE" material inside it. pic.twitter.com/dSaGVxwwbS— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
And... there's no screws under here. This thing is glued or clipped together. (spoilers: it's clipped)
Time to get the spudger. pic.twitter.com/20AgFRNbRB— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
So, with it open, we've got a single PCB here.
There's some kind of pill-looking thing to the left, a little LCD screen, and a I can see a battery on the other side. pic.twitter.com/WsuPI3pVsb— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
So, flipping it over, we've got a battery on the left, an IC, and a long paper strip. pic.twitter.com/ENHNe5cKny— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
And check it out: this paper strip has a line on it... this is a pregnancy test strip, isn't it? pic.twitter.com/eEDHRzSyY7— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
BTW, it turns out under where the wick goes is two little connectors. This isn't a test, it's just a power switch. When the wick gets wet, it starts conducting electricity, and this device turns on. pic.twitter.com/XSUNMd4zun— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
That sits on top of this.
You know what this is?
This is three LEDs and two photosensors. pic.twitter.com/NaqGlf6Jlq— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
and it turns out that the LEDs do the edge one, then the center, then it does it in the opposite direction.
It then measures the light hitting the two sensors while it does that. pic.twitter.com/hhrYZleYog— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
and why does it do that? so it can detect the lines on the paper!
In other words, the whole point of the digital part, the battery, IC, LEDs, and photodiodes... is to read the lines and tell you "PREGNANT" and "NOT PREGNANT" instead of "||" or "|+" pic.twitter.com/uTlKUTkiCY— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
内蔵されていたのは8ビットマイクロコントローラー「Holtek HT48C06」。RAM64バイト、ROM1024ワード、GPIOピン13本で、4MHzか8MHzで動作します。Foone氏によると、3Vの電池で動いていること、電圧変換回路が見当たらないことから、4MHzで動作していると考えられるとのこと。
So, what else?
Well, there's that IC...
It's a Holtek HT48C06! pic.twitter.com/aazvZViChL— foone (@Foone) September 4, 2020
ハードウェアネクロマンサーが妊娠検査キットにある画面上でDOOMやBad Apple!!を再生することに成功 - GIGAZINE