



Making friends with the locals 🐪🌜

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#followmeto Varanasi, India with @natalyosmann. My favorite one so far :).

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ムラド・オスマンさんは妻のナタリーさんと共に、"パートナーの手を引きながら世界各地を歩く"というテーマのもと、「#FollowMeTo(私についてきて)」というシリーズ写真を撮影している人。フォロワー数は450万人超え! 世界のあらゆる名所で手をつなぐカップル写真の数々は、まるで絵画のような美しさ。こんな写真、一度でいいから撮ってみたい!


Trading on water is an ancient Thai tradition; and Damnoen Saduak is the most famous floating market in Bangkok. I've dreamt of getting here for many years! Merchants and buyers sail along the canals trying to buy or sell all kinds of things: souvenirs, flowers, fruit, clothing... You name it! As for, me, I've managed to buy an umbrella at a very good price;)...................................... Вести торговлю на воде - древняя тайская традиция, а Дамноен Садуак, пожалуй, самый известный плавучий рынок в Бангкоке. Я много лет мечтала сюда попасть! Продавцы и покупатели снуют на лодках по каналам и пытаются купить или продать всякую всячину: сувениры, цветы, фрукты, одежду... Чего там только нет! Мне вот удалось сторговаться и приобрести зонтик;)

A post shared by Nataly Osmann (@natalyosmann) on



Getting a good ‘Astro’ photograph in one single frame takes some patience & practice. It may be one of the hardest things to photograph because of the fact that it’s all happening at night. It’s typically cold, dark & sometimes you’re fumbling with equipment while wearing thick gloves. Unless you know the landscape or shoot location well it can also feel very foreign at night. With practice it all gets easier. If there is a few pieces of advice I can offer to dramatically improve your astrophography ‘in-camera’ it would be. . 1 ) Use the best lenses you can. This is one aspect of photography where the equipment makes a huge difference. Try to get a wide angle prime (something between 15-35mm) that has a minimum opening of F2.8 or lower. These lenses are sharper, focus easier at night & let in way more light. 2) Don’t be afraid of a high ISO. People often think that by shooting a lower ISO they are preserving the quality of the image even if though the photo comes out dark. Trying to bring a photo back to life in Lightroom or during Post processing always brings out a lot of noise & artifacts that typically wouldn’t be there if you just shot a bit higher ISO and tried to get the correct exposure in camera. 3) Your lens MM controls your Star movement. If you are after tack sharp stars with no movement (like the image above) or blurring then you will want to understand this simple concept. The ‘Wider’ the lens the slower the shutter speed you can have without star blurring, the tighter or more compressed your lens, the faster the shutter will have to be. A quick rule of thumb follows : 15mm lens up to ~ 25s shutter. 20mm up to ~ 15s shutter. 24mm up to 10-12s shutter. This calls for experimentation but it’s important to realize that even changing your lens MM by just a tiny bit will force you to adjust shutter speed/ ISO. . Happy shooting and remember that’s its always supposed to be fun! 📷💥 . I shot this with @sonyalpha A7Sii & @sigmaphoto 20mm f1.8 lens @gitzoinspires traveler tripod

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クリス・バーカードさんは、ダイナミックな風景写真を得意とする写真家でありサーファー。時には北極の冷たい水の中に飛び込む場面も! フォロワー数は約290万人。


ルイス・コールさんは、世界を旅しながら動画を発信しているビデオブロガーで、YouTubeの登録者数も約200万人! もちろん動画だけでなく、写真の腕もかなりのもの。インスタフォロワー数は約150万人。




Cappadocia, Turkey from the air 🎈Photo by @theplanetd

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こちらは個人のものではなく、インスタグラム上にアップされた旅先での美しい写真ばかりを集めたアカウントで、そのフォロワー数はなんと1200万人! 覗いてみれば、必ず行きたい旅先が見つかるはず。
