ワークアウト好き、または、これからワークアウトを始めたいと思っている人、注目! コスモポリタン アメリカ版から、今すぐフォローしたいフィットネスインスタグラマー23人を厳選してご紹介。

ボディコンシャスな彼女たちのフィードには、フィットネスが楽しくなる素敵な刺激がたくさん! 彼女たちを参考に、自分に合ったワークアウト法を探してみては?




Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive 🙌🏼 #goodvibes ab❤x

A post shared by Amanda Bisk (@amandabisk) on Jan 20, 2017 at 8:56am PST



フィットネスインストラクターでピラティスにも精通しているホーさんのインスタフォロワーはなんと130万人以上! 彼女が紹介するピラティスの動作はもちろん、ヘルシーな食事や可愛いペットにも注目。


Here's a fun #StairsWorkout so you can take your #cardio life outdoors! ❤️💪💦We are in #Week3 of our #30DayAbBlastChallenge Day15 ended this week and you have 5 #workouts a week! Day15 is #HotBodyBootcamp Cardio & Abs in the club @hollywoodtrainerclub and it's never too late to join us! It's super easy to get started! ❤️Just login or join the club and all 30Days of #workouts are in our #VirtualGym that you can play from your phone, tablet, iPad or computer! Nothing to it but to do it! 1) #HighKnees Single Steps 2) Double Step (Step over one step) 3) Triple Step (Step over two steps) 4) #Skater Step (Step over one step) 5) Side Step 6) #PlyoLunges or modification Step up and Lunge 7) #JumpSquats or modification Step up and Squat 8) Double Step Lateral with Leg #Glute Lift #BootyWork 9) #WallPlanks 10-20reps Repeat 3-5sets Get it in! #Stairs #OutdoorWorkout #NoExcuses #Legs #Core #TheHollywoodTrainerClub #AbChallenge #JeanetteJenkins #BetterTogether #HealthIsWealth #UCLA

A post shared by Jeanette Jenkins (@msjeanettejenkins) on Dec 3, 2016 at 11:40am PST

セレブリティのパーソナルトレーナーを務める彼女はインスタフォロワー数38万人以上! 前向きになれる素敵な言葉を紹介し、モチベーションがアップしそうなウェアに身を包んだセルフィーも好評。






Whatever you do, Make it count 💙

A post shared by BODIED® | FITPRENEUR | 🌎WIDE (@getbodiedbyj) on Nov 9, 2016 at 8:51am PST



Still on the Grind... ✌🏼💯 #teamhourglass 📸 Photo by @theoakagency

A post shared by Lyzabeth Lopez (@lyzabethlopez) on Aug 29, 2016 at 5:35pm PDT

カナダを中心に活動するフィットネストレーナー。インスタフォロワー数はなんと200万人以上! 場所を問わずにできるユニークなエクササイズを紹介して人気に。彼女のセルフィーを見れば、その効果はかなり期待できそう?


#mondaymotivation [💕Tag a friend and read below] What messes us up the most is thinking that we have to be perfect in order to work on our goals. As long you're evolving, you can accomplish anything. One step at a time. You need to remember that mistakes and failures aren't so negative after all. You never lose by falling, either you win or you learn. Stop thinking you have to be perfect to start something. Start looking at the journey you're about to embark on, as a learning experience that will make you the strongest person you know. If one makes every mistake in the book, then that person has learned how to jump on those hurdles. That person will become successful. HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE, LET'S GIVE THIS WEEK A RUN FOR ITS MONEY! @mawarriors 📸 @guilliani_ WWW.MASSYARIAS.COM #ma30day #mawarrior #childofgod ______________________________________________________________ [💕Menciona a un amigo/ay lee a continuación] Lo que más nos derrota es pensar que tenemos que ser perfectos para trabajar en nuestros objetivos. Mientras sigas evolucionando, puedes lograr cualquier cosa. Un paso a la vez. Es necesario recordar que los errores y fracasos no son tan negativos después de todo. Nunca pierdes por caer, ya sea que ganas o aprendes. Deja de pensar que tienes que ser perfecto para empezar algo. Comienza a mirar el viaje que estás embarcando, como una experiencia de aprendizaje que te hará la persona más fuerte que conoces. Si uno comete cada error en el libro de la vida, entonces esa persona ha aprendido a saltar sobre cada obstáculo. Esa persona tendrá éxito. EMPECEMOS LA SEMANA CON ESTE PENSAMIENTO COMO LEMA! @mawarriors LOS AMO MI GENTE! WWW.MASSYARIAS.COM #hijadecristo

A post shared by MankoFit 🇩🇴 (@massy.arias) on Dec 12, 2016 at 9:29am PST



they be like "you need a rest day" #NoThanks #MissMeWithThat #ItsMyTherapy

A post shared by 💋xo dawnestelle (@estellearcher) on Mar 5, 2015 at 3:08pm PST







Eventually everything connects. #yogaeverydamnday

A post shared by Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on May 7, 2016 at 11:57am PDT







One minute- Single combo move- Serious core training 👊🏻😊 Try on both sides. Are you in?

A post shared by NATALIE JILL (@nataliejillfit) on Jan 8, 2017 at 8:40am PST



Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

A post shared by 6ft🇫🇷Athlete🇫🇷👟Trainer👟 (@aurora_lz_fit) on Jan 26, 2017 at 1:39pm PST



オーストラリア出身のフィットネスインストラクター。インスタフォロワー数はなんと640万人! 彼女のインスタには彼女が提唱する<ビキニ・ボディ・ガイド>の実践者によるビフォー/アフター写真もたくさん。


Heading back to Rome, sitting on the plane reflecting on all the amazing conversations I had yesterday with some of my FBG girls. One of the takeaways was about focusing on exercising to feel better, not exercising as a form of punishment. That mentality will never put you in a healthy place neither physically nor emotionally. You can't outrun a poor diet and this isn't to say you can't enjoy yourself in moderation, it's just to say don't - A. Eat poorly with the idea that you'll just "work it off" later (it doesn't work that way) and B. Exercise to punish yourself for something you ate. Exercise is about feeling stronger and healthier and while having a physical goal in mind is never a bad thing, punishing yourself for your food choices just isn't healthy for your body or mind. This is something several girls shared they are working on and I can't even say I've never had thoughts like that myself. So if you ever feel thoughts like that creep in, just refocus and take a minute to remind yourself you do this to FEEL your best, not to try and outrun your poor choices and the rest will take care of itself. 💗 #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

A post shared by Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) on Oct 9, 2016 at 4:55pm PDT

イタリアを拠点に活動するフィットネスインストラクター。<The Fit Body Guides(フィットボディガイド)>という自身が考案したトレーニングプログラムで見事なボディをキープしているそう。130万人のインスタフォロワーも彼女のトレーニング法に大注目。



A post shared by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on Oct 7, 2016 at 7:12pm PDT







💗 Looking like a tropical bird! 😝 I love lots of colour! I'm in London now, I've been away for almost 3 weeks now & have only worked out 3 times! People assume I workout every day but it's definitely not the case. On average I train 3 times a week and far less when I'm traveling. I get really run down when I travel so my priority is always to take care of my body and get plenty of rest. If I had to choose between sleep and training I'll always choose sleep. Years ago before I lived a healthy and balanced lifestyle I used to push myself to always train and eat very "clean" but now I'm far more relaxed. It's no big deal if I don't train and I don't regret eating treats or what's considered "unhealthy" (unless it upsets my tummy haha). - This is how I choose to live and it works best for me. I don't care about being super lean or "shredded" - that isn't an indication of "health". My priority is always feeling my best mentally and physically. If that's eating chocolate or choosing to stay in bed rather than train then that's what I'm gonna do. Of course I believe there are times where you've gotta push yourself to get closer to your goals... but I just like to be realistic about fitness. My advice is to listen to your body and give it what you think it needs at the time, not what someone else might be saying you "should do". Everyone is different so choose a lifestyle that works for you and ultimately makes you happy. ☺😘 . @emilyskyefitness . 🏃🏼‍♀️Outfit: @reebok @reebokwomen .

A post shared by Emily Skye - Health & Fitness (@emilyskyefit) on Jan 28, 2017 at 1:34pm PST



Translation: Captain & Me, Inc.