


日時、場所などの情報は箇条書きで具体的に記す。We would be delighted if you could come〜は「あなたがもし来てくださると私たちは嬉しいです」と相手を招待したい場合によく使われる。


The firm will organize the year-end party on December 14 (Mon) at the 10th floor restaurant. Please come by to get some good food and drinks!
Date: December 14 (Mon)
Time: 18:00-21:00
Location: Restaurant(10th floor)
Contact: Public Relations Team(ext. xxxx)


来週、一緒にランチはいかがですか? 近況をお聞かせいただれば幸いです。ご都合の良い日にちをお聞かせください。
Would you be available for lunch sometime next week? It would be really nice to catch up. Please let me know what days would work for you.


This is to inform you that the Tokyo office will relocate from Ebisu to Roppongi as of March 2016. Please note our new mailing address and phone/fax numbers below, effective from April 1, 2016. We apologize for any inconveniences caused, and look forward to serving you from our new office.


at your earliest convenienceは、「ご都合がつきしだい」と、早めに対応してほしいことを伝える表現。そのほかにもtouch base with〜は「〜(相手)から情報を聞く」という意味で、直接でない丁寧な表現。


We will call you shor tly to follow up with the detailed instructions. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know then.


I'm e-mailing you to follow up on our request for additional details on your services. Would you please check on the status as soon as possible?


This is to follow up on the e-mail I sent you on Nov 5, regarding the event on Nov 20. Would you please confirm and get back to us at your earliest convenience?


I am writing to inform〜that……は、「〜に対して……についてお知らせします」という頻出表現。I would appreciate your immediate attention to〜は、「〜に早めに注意を向けてほしい」という強い表現。


I am writing to inform you that we have not received the item we ordered on August 25, and would like to check on the status. I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


Our records show that the payment for invoice #1225ABC has not yet been made. We would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


We would like to submit a formal complaint regarding item #3348 that we recently purchased. The product regrettably did not meet the descriptions detailed in your catalog. Attached is a photo of the product we received. Would you please look into this and get back to us as soon as possible?


I would like to call your attention to the inappropriate behavior of our new hires. They were talking loudly in the elevator this morning. I believe you should advise them to be quiet in the elevators.


I apologize for the short notice, but〜は、突然の連絡をわびる際によく使われる表現。due to a schedule conflictは、時間的な都合が付かないときによく使われる。


I apologize for the short notice, but would it be possible to reschedule our meeting this Thursday to sometime next week? I'm sorry to trouble you.


There has been an error in the e-mail I sent you on November 7th at 15:38. The dates indicated were from the previous year, and we have included the corrected dates below. Please accept my sincere apologies for the confusion that this may have caused.


We regret to inform you that there will be a delay in payment for our recent order due to the introduction of our new sign-off process. The payment will be processed with next month's orders. We apologize for the inconveniences caused.


I'm afraid we need to cancel our meeting on Dec. 8 due to a schedule conflict for one of our team members. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused, and will contact you shortly to reschedule.


I regret to inform you that due to technical problems, there will be a delay in completing your request. We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused, and will do everything we can to speed up the process.


誰かが送ったメールが誤って自分宛てに届いてしまうことは、ビジネスの現場でも起こりうる。be intended for〜(この場合は「〜に宛てられた」)を使って、送信した人に早急に返信するとよい。


I believe this e-mail was intended for another person. Would you please confirm?


場所:Room 8(Tokyo), Room 50C(NY), Room 8A(LON)
I'd just like to send you the details of tomorrow's video conference meeting for confirmation.
Date: Nov. 5
Time: 9:00 AM JST
Venue: Room 8(Tokyo), Room 50C(NY), Room 8A(LON)
We look forward to talking with you then.


Thank you for taking time yesterday to discuss XXX. To follow up on our discussion, please review below and confirm the next steps. If you have any concerns, changes, additions or comments, please let me know as soon as possible.


Congratulations on〜は、(〜のことについて)お祝いする、という頻出表現。send all the best to〜は、「〜にご多幸がありますように」という意味の慣用表現。生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんはa new arrival。


I am sad to inform you that Mr. xx passed away on Oct 1.


昇進おめでとうございます! 素晴らしいニュースを嬉しく思うとともに、新しい役職でのご活躍をお祈りしております。
Congratulations on your promotion! I am happy to hear the great news, and wish you the best in your new role.


ご結婚おめでとうございます! 末長いお幸せをお祈りいたします。
Congratulations on your marriage! I wish you both the best for the years to come.


お子様のご誕生おめでとうございます! 良い知らせを聞けて嬉しい限りです。あなたと奥様、そして新しい命にご多幸がありますように。
Congratulations on the birth of your baby! I am delighted to hear the great news and send all the best to you, your wife and your new arrival.








(監修=マヤ・バーダマン 構成=菊地正憲)