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Welcome to Januhairy! The acceptance of body hair on women is unfortunately still a predicament. We are displayed in the media as feeling ‘confident’ when our legs are smooth, eyebrows plucked, armpits waxed etc. Society seems to be behaving as if the natural hair we grow on our bodies is unattractive and distasteful. We are so used to removing our body hair that we are becoming unfamiliar with our authentic selves. Januhairy, is an experiment for women to come together, encourage one another, and be sponsored to grow out our body hair for the month of January. All too raise money for the charity, ‘Body Gossip’! #januhairy #bodyhairmovement #happyandhairy #loveyourbody #thenaturalrevolution #hairywomen #womanpower #selflove #feminine

A post shared by Januhairy (@janu_hairy) on Dec 10, 2018 at 3:40am PST


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Hi I’m Laura, the gal behind Januhairy! I thought I would write a little about my experiences and how Januhairy came about... I grew out my body hair for a performance as part of my drama degree in May 2018. There had been some parts that were challenging for me, and others that really opened my eyes to the taboo of body hair on a woman. After a few weeks of getting used to it, I started to like my natural hair. I also started to like the lack of uncomfortable episodes of shaving. Though I felt liberated and more confident in myself, some people around me didn’t understand why I didn’t shave/didn’t agree with it. I realised that there is still so much more for us to do to be able to accept one another fully and truly. Then I thought of Januhairy and thought I would try it out. It’s a start at least . . . I have had a lot of support from my friends and family! Even though I had to explain why I was doing it to a lot of them which was surprising, and again, the reason why this is important to do! When I first started growing my body hair my mum asked me “Is it you just being lazy or are you trying to prove a point?” . . . why should we be called lazy if we don’t want to shave? And why do we have to be proving a point? After talking to her about it and helping her understand, she saw how weird it was that she asked those questions. If we do something/see the same things, over and over again it becomes normal. She is now going to join in with Januhairy and grow out her own body hair which is a big challenge for her as well as many women who are getting involved. Of course a good challenge! This isn’t an angry campaign for people who don’t see how normal body hair is, but more an empowering project for everyone to understand more about their views on themselves and others. This picture was taken a few months ago. Now I am joining in with Januhairy, starting the growing process again along with the other wonderful women who have signed up! Progress pictures/descriptions from our gals will be posted throughout the month. Lets get hairy 🌵 #januhairy #bodygossip #bodyhairmovement #happyandhairy #loveyourbody #thenaturalrevolution #natural #hairywomen #womanpowe

A post shared by Januhairy (@janu_hairy) on Jan 2, 2019 at 10:35am PST



ムダ毛を伸ばしたことで、自分自身の毛を好きになれたと明かしているローラ。しかし、自信を得ることはできても、周囲の理解を得ることは簡単ではなかったそう。そこで、他人を真に理解し尊重できる世の中にするため、1月いっぱいムダ毛を伸ばし、ボディポジティブを推薦するプロジェクト「#JanuHairy」を立ち上げることに! 同時に、「Body Gossip」という主に若者にボディポジティブを教えるチャリティ団体への寄付するためのクラウドファンディングを開始。


彼女の思いに賛同する女性たちは「Body Gossip」への寄付をするほか、自分自身の脇毛などを投稿してローラの活動を応援している。

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eeeeek i’ve just learnt about januhairy!! it’s always so exciting for me to see new waves of this movement of body nonconformity. it’s gaining a lot of attention from the media which is EXACTLY what is needed. people need to be reminded over and over that what women choose to do with their bodies is THEIR OWN DAMN CHOICE. people need to see women who do not care to change themselves to fit our society’s bullshit beauty standards until seeing that becomes the norm. that is the only way we can change the standards . shave or don’t, i don’t care or judge you either way, it’s your choice! but i do encourage all women to think about the changes they make to their bodies and think about why they do it. who they do it for . personally, there are so many reasons i don’t shave my armpits and very few reasons why i would. but one of my biggest motivators not to is knowing that by not shaving i am actively choosing not to give money to companies, and the people who run them, that think that women’s bodies aren’t good enough the way they naturally are . so, go follow @janu_hairy !! put something different on your insta feed - if you’re unsure about stopping shaving, it may help shift your perspective to see the beauty in it.

A post shared by Maya Felix (@onlylittlemy) on Jan 6, 2019 at 8:05pm PST

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when I was a child I was encouraged to use a razor on my body before I even started growing hair. I was practising for the time I did and as soon as I did that was it! I had not seen the hair grown out past a couple days on my body until I was at university. I cut and burned my body learning the regular shave then eventually got used to a temporary soft feeling followed by an itchy stubble and was told that growing it out would only be worse. at university I decided to challenge myself to grow out my leg hair and finally see what it would be like. what came next was something I did not expect... total shame. I would apologise to everyone around me for not shaving my legs, I would explain that I'm experimenting and will shave as soon as I'm done. after around 6 months I did shave. I shaved for a night out with a friend because I wanted to "be myself again" but I never shaved again after that... realising that "myself" was not someone that shaved every other day to make other people comfortable. the smooth shaved feel actually made me incredibly uncomfortable - it felt alien to me. I missed the soft shiny fur on my legs that took so much to let grow. but during all of this... why was I still shaving my armpits? armpit hair was the biggest challenge for me. I would try to grow it out and shave it after only a week. I would convince myself it was my personal preference when the reality was... I was totally ashamed of it. I was embarrassed to lift up my arms and afraid to be considered disgusting, unattractive and dirty. all things that are now said to me on a daily basis. but after 2 years of finally embracing all of my body hair (with pride) these comments don't make me afraid - they motivate me. #noshavenoshame #januhairy #bodyhairexperience

A post shared by fenella fox (@fenellafox) on Jan 9, 2019 at 2:36pm PST

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Jesteśmy kobietami. Mamy włosy na ciele. Na rękach, nogach, łonach, brzuchach, plecach, twarzach. Nasze włosy są od jasnego blondu, po czarną jak smoła czerń. Od cienkich i delikatnych, prawie niewidocznych, po gęste, grube i widoczne nawet z bardzo daleka. Od małego uczy się nas, że włosy na ciele są nieporządane, złe, paskudne. Przekaz jest jasny. To klarowny roztwór dyskryminacji, nienawiści i presji. Media, reklamy, cała pop kultura, koledzy i koleżanki ze szkoły, często członkowie rodziny, opiekunowie, nieraz nieznajomi na ulicy - wszyscy jednym głosem mówią nam, co powinnyśmy myśleć i czuć w związku z naszym ciałem, jego małą, cienką, wyrastającą z cebulki częścią. Włosów używa się jako pretekstu, by z nas szydzić, by nas poniżać, porównywać do zwierząt, śmiać się z nas, musztrować, zmuszać nas do torturowania ciała, do uważnego przyglądania się samym sobie, czy pasujemy do kanonu, do wąskiej foremki narzuconej z góry. Nie pasujesz? Poczuj dyskomfort. Zrezygnuj z czegoś. Nie idź na basen. Przełóż spotkanie. Wycofaj się. Przygotuj. Bez tego będziesz inna, trudna, zbuntowana, nie każdy to zaakceptuje. Pewnego dnia sama w to wierzysz. Po prostu lubisz być gładka. Do tego wiesz, że włosy są brzydkie, że psują wizerunek, a przede wszystkim sprawiają, że czujesz się brudna. Bolesna depilacja, krwawa nauka używania golarki, kosztowny laser - przynoszą ulgę. Pasujesz. Jesteś czysta, ale każdy nowy milimetr przypomina Ci, że walka trwa, wygrałaś bitwę, ale wciąż jesteś na wojnie ze swoim ciałem. Spytaj się siebie: Czy kiedyś z czegoś zrezygnowaś z powodu odrostu? Czy widziałaś kiedykolwiek swoje ciało z włosami zapuszczonymi na max? Czy jeśli czujesz do włosów obrzydzenie, to możesz powiedzieć, że nie czujesz presji golenia? Czy gdybyś miała włosy na full nie wstydziłabyś się iść na basen? Wrzucić zdjęcie do Internetu? Spotkać ze znajomymi na plaży? Czy jesteś wolna? Czy twój wybór może być wolny w społeczeństwie, które wywiera taką presję? @cialopozytyw @janu_hairy @bodyhairmovement @natural.femininity @gethairyfebruary @allyournaturalbeauty

A post shared by Kaya Szulczewska (@kayaszu) on Jan 9, 2019 at 7:02am PST

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Well I've heard it's #januhairy now, so I decided to join. I had begun to shave in elementary school after I went to a swim class and one classmate asked me why I don't have shaved armpits. I still remember the feeling of surprise and humiliation that something is wrong with my body. At this age, you can easily get the impression that if you're not doing what everyone else is doing, something is wrong with you. I often heard in high school that I would be more attractive if I didn't have such hairy hands. With time, it gradually became clear to me that the main reason why I shave is mainly the inner pressure from this learned norm and the automatic expectation of the society. It sounds banal, but I think this pressure on women is really strong and unnecessary. Now I'm satisfied with all my hair because the hairs are normal. Peace out @janu_hairy @bodyhairmovement @gethairyfebruary #natural #woman #body #bodypositive #beauty #happy #bodyhair

A post shared by Anna Marčíková (@contyvevropskymstylu) on Jan 6, 2019 at 8:13am PST

