
彼女は何をどう変えて、どんな成果を得たのか。そして今のルーティンは? <delish>がシャンテさんから詳しく教えてもらいました。



週に2〜3回ジムに通ってカーディオ(主にランニング)と、ときどき腹筋というルーティン。カーディオは効いたわよ! 体重が減り始めた。それで2年間はトレッドミルでせっせと汗をかいていたんだけど、ある日気がついたの。脂肪はまあ減ったけど、筋肉はちっともついてないじゃないって。ボディはどこも引き締まっていない。力も全然ついてない。私は見た目だけじゃなくて、気分も上げたかった。これはウェイトトレーニングをするしかない、と決意したのはそのときよ」


#transformationtuesday Ok, so left was me when I just started training, I had no clue really about resistance training or the different types training systems and techniques. I used to train about 2-3 times a week continuous cardio, mainly running now and then with a few ab exercises here and there. I used to remember looking at the weight training area and finding it quite daunting, like what are all those machines and how the hell do you use them. My nutrition wasn't great and I used to think eating twice a day maybe three times a day was enough. Gee I was so wrong 😑. However, On the right I have gained so much more knowledge, skills and experience on resistance training and resistance techniques and found (what works for me), NOTE that what works for me is in brackets as what works for me might not work for you as everyone's body is different, but it's the best way I have achieved my results. Don't get me wrong I am still learning new things everyday and I still continue to pursue goals that I have, but I have not only changed and grown physically but mentally as well. I have learnt that by progressively overloading your muscles with different resistance training techniques, will help to ensure your muscles don't plateau. A plateau is when your muscles stop growing. In order for your body to change you need to challenge it. Once your muscles become accustom to your workout they will have no reason to make any adaptations which will mean your gains/ growth will stop ✋🏽. For further gains you need to continue to make further demands on your muscles which means you need to progressively overload your muscles. There are a variety of training techniques you can use such as drop sets, super sets, pyramid sets, forced reps, giant sets, tri- sets, negative sets, post exhaust and pre exhaust. There are a few others but these are the majority of them. Also by adjusting the sets, reps and the load will also ensure your muscles are continuously challenged. Continues in comments below👇🏽

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始めてすぐは、すごい筋肉痛がきたの! 軽めのウェイトを選んでいるのに、痛みが何日も続いて…。座る動作すら痛いなんてこともあった。でも、すぐに力がどんどんついてくるのが分かったの。うれしくて、そこからね、すっかりハマったのは。




HAPPY FRIYAY EVERYONE! I am literally so excited that it’s finally the weekend and I have a few days off work 🙆🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️. YAY! Hope you guys all have an amazing day 👊🏽

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HAPPY MONDAY! Here's some lunch inspiration for you all. How do you like your avocado 🥑 toast? 1️⃣ Half a slice of wholemeal bread, thin spread of Philadelphia garlic and herb light, avocado mashed, some scrambled egg and smoked salmon. 2️⃣Half a slice of wholemeal bread, thin spread of Philadelphia garlic and herb light, avocado mashed, baby spinach and sprinkle of feta. 3️⃣Half a slice of wholemeal bread, thin spread of Philadelphia garlic and herb light, avocado mashed, red onion and slice of tomato. 4️⃣Half a slice of wholemeal bread, thin spread of Philadelphia garlic and herb light, avocado mashed, some scrambled egg and diced tomatoes.

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I love me a coconut 🌴 Yesterday was another amazing day for me as I went to jungle maya #tulum where I went abseiling down into cenote's (caves), I went on five zip wires through the jungle and also zip wired into one cenote. I went snorkelling and also visited the Mayan ruins in tulum. #junglemaya

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Happy Sunday💫 I have been training really hard the last two weeks, so today is a much needed rest day for me! Hope you all have an amazing day.

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「筋トレを敬遠せずにワークアウトにとり入れてみて。マシンなんて一度使い方を覚えてしまえば、見かけほど難しいものじゃないとわかるから。だいたいはマシンごとに、正しい使い方やコツなんかが図解つきで説明されているから、必ず読んでね! 何かを怖いと思う気持ちを克服する一番の方法は、それについて学ぶこと。知識とスキルを得たら、自信もついてくるわ」

※この翻訳は、抄訳です。Translation: Noriko Sasaki (Office Miyazaki Inc.)DELISH