

コスモポリタン アメリカ版では、決して完璧ではない自分を知ってもらおうと"本当の姿(=イケてない姿も含め)"をアップした女性達15人を紹介!



<Fit Body Guides>で有名なアナさんは結婚式前日に撮った写真をアップ。スリムな体型の持ち主でも、アングルによってこれだけ変わるってこと!


体重過多/肥満の人々が減量に挑戦する米リアリティ番組『The Biggest Loser』のトレーナーとして有名なジェンさんもまた、数分違いで撮ったセルフィーをアップ。見事な腹筋を持つ人だって、座ればこんな風になる事実を紹介。




So if you didn't already see.... this is what's making news. "30 second transformation photos". So I did one myself.... but not for the reason you think. I think this can send a strong, positive and powerful message. I'll tell you why. 👊 I don't know what girls are trying to prove by doing this, maybe it's the whole "don't flex all the time" thing, but this is what I think. At the end of the day, it's not about what you LOOK LIKE on the outside, it's what you FEEL on the inside. Physical change and being strong and fit is important, yes. However, being healthy, happy and confident is actually the most important thing. You don't have to prove ANYTHING to anyone by the way you look. You don't have to push your stomach out, make your legs look bigger or stand a certain way to look "bad" to try and make your transformation better. Honestly, every single photo and transformation is amazing. But that happiness won't last as long as the happiness of health and confidence. Faking a progress photo (or exaggerating one) is only going to poorly affect your mindset. All the BBG community are amazing because they are strong, healthy women... and women are amazing. They have worked DAMN hard to get where they want to be physically and mentally, so they don't have to prove to anything to anyone. You can be real with your followers, of course, but don't try and make yourself look bad to prove a point. Who cares if you have had a bad eating day, you look bloated, you have your period, you have a 'food baby'... it doesn't matter. If you FEEL good about yourself on the inside and you LOVE and accept yourself and are PROUD of what you have achieved, then that's all you need. Post a photo of your body and be proud. Don't try to overstate your appearance. You should be telling the world how much better you FEEL! Add a big smile in that photo. You don't need to show anyone how you can stand a special way and look amazing, YOU ALWAYS LOOK AMAZING! Please understand this. People are inspired by YOU because you inspire them with your ATTITUDE towards life. It doesn't MATTER what you look like.... because your real beauty ....shines from within. ✅

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on


ビキニの似合うボディを手に入れるプロジェクト<Bikini Body Guides>を立ち上げた、パーソナルトレーナーのケイラさんは、自身の体が30秒で変化する様子をInstagramにアップ。「エクササイズ後にビフォーとアフターの写真を強調する人は、自分自身を欺いているだけ。それに、自分の外見をあまりにも重視しすぎると、気持ちとの間にズレが生じるんじゃないかしら」とコメント。


✖️✖️Perfectly Imperfect✖️✖️ This was definitely not the photo I intended to share. I realize Instagram is mostly a highlight reel and we share our very best photos but I want to be as real and transparent as I can with all of you beauties and show the 'imperfect' along with the highlights. Guys, I've had 3 beautiful babies.. that's 3 giant pregnancies.. along with 3 chances of stretch marks.. This body has been through a whole lot of changes! For that reason I will never judge someone else for their body. I don't know their story or what they've been through or the true strength that is within them. Imperfections make you real, approachable, human and one of a kind ❤️ #perfectlyimperfect #30secondtransformation

A photo posted by M a g g i e (@jaeatleta) on

ケイラさんの<Bikini Body Guides>を実践したというマギーさん。3人の子供のママでもある彼女の写真は、完璧さを追い求めるのはほどほどにして、自分の"不完全さ"を受け入れるべきでは?と思わせてくれる1枚。


LET'S TALK ABOUT BLOAT, BABY. So last night I went out with some friends to one of my all time favorite restaurants, and I had some fried crab rangoons, an egg roll, and some fried rice. Then I went and had 3 drinks while out, and this was what it looked like when I came home. This is NOT a transformation. This is a #30secondbeforeandafter and I guarantee that this morning I look 87% better than the second photo because my body has had time to digest. A lot of people follow me because they want my abs/ want to know secrets to getting them, and they think I'm like this magical unicorn that walks around with a 6 pack all day. Trust me, Not true. I bloat like a MF just like everyone else! Bloat is natural and literally happens to EVERYONE. The only way you can avoid it is to not eat 🚫DO NOT DO THAT PLEASE EAT FOOD. But I just wanted to put this out there that I'm not perfect, I bloat, and I don't look ripped all the time (ps my grandmas bathroom lighting Is not as good as my old bathroom as well 😩 but whatever!) PS currently have 2 phones so this is my American one and the iPhone 6 is my British, in case anyone was wondering why I downgraded. You will see them both on photos. - #bloat #notatransformation #foodbaby #foodcoma

A photo posted by Hailey Bettencourt (@haileybettencourtfitness) on




🚨 This is not a transformation photo 🚨 This week I've decided to do the 30 second transformation photo. These pics were taken second apart this morning. On the left my posture is poor, I'm pushing my belly out as far as possible, I adjusted my bottoms to show my gross, unsightly and horrid love handles. These are often concealed by my high waisted pants and bottoms that do fit so much better now. As much as it pains me to showcase these, it also proves that my body isn't perfect and that I still have work to do and fat to lose (I'm working so hard to get rid of my love handles and lower tummy fat. Yes it has dramatically reduced already but it still exists and I'm still insecure about it). On the right I'm standing straight and comfortably. I'm lightly flexing and I've adjusted my bottoms to hide my love handles. I'm thankful for bikini bottoms that now fit well and hide these but I'm also trying to show that they still exist quite a bit and that not everything we see meets the eye here on social media. You can show you best angles and hide your flaws but at the end of the day what we chose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves. My body isn't perfect. I still have imperfections and flaws that I'm slowly learning to be comfortable with. I want to be real and honest and open. Yes I've accomplished a lot, but yes my body still has less than ideal days when it doesn't look its best. Fitness and health is not a fix. It's not a destination. It's a lifestyle. If you force your progress you know who you are cheating?! You. You only cheat you. Yes I like to show my best most of the time but I've also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself. Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse. I know I'm hard on myself, it's a flaw on its own, but I'm slowly learning to be gentle and kind but it starts with being truthful to myself and knowing and understanding my imperfections and realizing that, although they exist, they don't define me. I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. But I'm learning and I'm hopeful that one day I'll fully love me 💕

A photo posted by Jess (@plankingforpizza) on


ライフアドバイザーのジェシカさんは、2枚の写真をアップ。これらは「ダイエットのビフォー/アフター」ではなく、30秒おきに撮った写真なのだそう。お腹を引っ込め、背筋を伸ばし、手足の角度を変えただけでこんなにも変わるなんて! これは写真を撮る際に自分の"欠点"を隠そうと、多くの女性が実行していることなんだとか。


<The Peanut Butter Girl>というフィットネスブログを運営する、アイルランド人のティファニーさん。彼女は就寝前のぽっこりお腹と、翌朝、数時間の睡眠と消化で平らになったお腹という、劇的に変化した2枚の写真をアップ。




Really wanna commend straight size models @laura.henshaw and @stephclairesmith for using their platforms to promote a positive body image to their followers. 💛 The girls started a hashtag #misconceptionkic to highlight how a lot of the imagery we see on Instagram is unrealistic and unattainable. So what is the difference between these two pics? No I didn't lose five kilos or photoshop the shit out of myself- instead of standing relaxed on the left- I sucked in, pulled up my pants, pushed my hips back and stood with my legs apart to give myself a thigh gap. I even positioned my collar bone to the light to make it stick out more. Crazy. 😱 We are all guilty of taking a million photos and uploading one that highlights our supposed "best angles"- myself included. So it's just a little reminder to not base your #bodygoals on anything you see online. We will only ever see someone's highlight reel, and not the 50 pics they took to get their "best angle". Be your own #fitspo 💪🏻💁🏼😎

A photo posted by JESS KING (@jessraeking) on



Want to know my secret between image 1 and 2? I can promise you it takes no diet or workout regime- it is simply how I have positioned my body and where my tights are sitting on my hips. A few years ago there is no way I would have ever shared this on social media because of how I look in the first photo - but the truth is I don't care because I am confident with who I am and know that I am happy and healthy - which is the most important thing. @stephclairesmith and I have just shared a blog post written from the bottom of our hearts about this image (Steph has also done one) and opened up to you about why it can be so dangerous to aspire to an image you see on social media. The blog is called 'Misconception' because that is what a lot images you see on social media are. We hope in reading the post it can help you to realize how important it is to focus solely on being healthy to be the best version of you not because you want a 'thigh gap'. Please join us in sharing this and share your picture with the #misconceptionkic / Blog post is up on #RealTalk

A photo posted by Laura Henshaw (@laura.henshaw) on



Misconception. Everybody has good and bad angles.. Everybody! It's pretty confronting posting a photo like this... But I decided to do it because showing you guys what is real is what's important to me. The photo on the right isn't edited at all, so it's not that it's not real, but just from the way I'm standing, I've managed to change the way my body looks quite dramatically. Obviously we don't upload photos of ourselves that we find ugly or unflattering - but I wanted to show that everybody does have those angles. Nobody is perfect. And both @laura.henshaw and myself are extremely passionate about making sure all of you have a healthy outlook on body image. Check out our latest blog post. Also join in... Particularly if you're a 'fitspo' or a 'model' - we'd love you to join us. Hashtag #misconceptionkic ❤️ PS : NEITHER OF US ARE SAYING THAT WE LOOK HORRIBLE IN THE LEFT PHOTOS... They're just not our 'best' angles ..

A photo posted by Steph Smith (@stephclairesmith) on





☆☆ read the post! ... Surprise! ! ... #transformationtuesday ... First of all, I am not making fun of anyone's transformation pic or progress. At all. ♡ Transformation, growth, and change is powerful. (And HARD work!!) This is just to show how important our perspective is ... this is my #30secondtransformation. The angle of the camera, the posture, the energy, the cropping, the confidence ... all way different. I can make a pretty good "before" pic, huh??. ;) ;) This was fun to post ... but it reminds me to not be so hard on my "external shell" ... we need to be strong on the inside, too. A beautiful heart is so much greater than a beautiful body. ♡♡♡ edited to add : these pics were both YESTERDAY. LOL ... things are not always as they appear. :) :) :) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ anyone want to have fun with this crazy #30secondtransformationchallenge tag? ;)

A photo posted by @fitmom.2.three on

<Bikini Body Guides>を実践し、3人の子供の母親でもあるクリスティーンさん。後ろに下がってこんな風にポーズを取るだけで、これほどの変化が生まれるとは!





Translation: Captain & Me, Inc.