高校時代につきあっていた彼を、陸上競技とバレーボールのスター選手だった女子生徒にとられてしまったことをきっかけに、アスリート体型にあこがれを抱き、ジム通いやフィールド競技にはげむようになったというナタリーさん。大学では運動生理学を専攻し、卒業後は憧れの職業であるパーソナルトレーナーになったものの、パーティ三昧の生活におぼれたり、逆にストイックに鍛えすぎたりと、自身のトレーニングにおいて紆余曲折を経験してきたそう。そんな彼女が数年にわたる苦労の末に見つけた、「結果の出るワークアウト」について、<Women’s Health>がインタビューしました。


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2008➡️2018 Look at little baby Nat 👶🏽... Came across the left photo from the good ol’ college days. I’d say this was my “skinny fat” phase, where I was relatively small but that freshman 15 really did happen! Carried it in my stomach, arms, face, and I actually had boobs😂. Naturally those were the first to go though 🤦🏽‍♀️. But back then, I was kinda lost, adjusting to a new life at school, no parental supervision (hi Mom 🙋🏽‍♀️), so I was just wilding out! Sometimes putting myself in the most embarrassing situations, things I’m not proud of, yet I don’t regret anything, as it all has helped mold me into who I am today. Clearly so much has changed in the last ten years. Aside from the obvious physical differences, I’ve grown up, matured, and have become so much more mentally tougher and stronger, and am no longer the lost, crazy party girl. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a little of that inside me😉, but good health has become my main priority. I have molded into a strong, fierce, and confident woman who now pushes some heavy ass weight, but may also throw back a few Micheladas from time 🤷🏽‍♀️.. sue me.. #transformationtuesday #10yearsinthemaking

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How to lose fat without counting calories. Well for one, don’t eat like an asshole! “Wahh😭, idk why I’m not losing fat..” . 🤔Think real hard about what and HOW MUCH you’ve been putting in your mouth lately. C’mon really think... Have you been eating out a couple times a week? Maybe had not one, but 4 glasses of wine? Not sugar with your coffee but more like coffee with your sugar? (Aka Starbucks) . Ok let me keep it simple, as I don’t like to count calories myself... and if that’s you too, but want to lose fat try these tips: . ☝🏽Swap out one of your usual heavy meals for a dish with LOTS of fibrous veggies and an adequate amount of protein. ✌🏽Scale down the carbs in your other meals.. you normally eat a full cup of rice? Try 1/2-2/3 instead. ☝🏽+✌🏽Stop SAYING you want to lose fat, but actually DO it. I would like to buy a nice house but it’s not going to appear in thin air. I actually have to work and save for it. . So ya that’s my little tip of the day. Notice I didn’t even mention exercise? 🧐But IMAGINE if you added that too? No need to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Just have to be disciplined enough to bring it out of you. ❓What are some other tips I can throw your way? Oh and happy #humpday 🙃

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🙈So I did a thing today... . I finally reached my goal of pulling 225! And not just one, but TWO reps. You can see my excitement at the end, and thank you to my Self Made Fam who cheered me on! This is a huge deal to me guys! I’ve been aiming for this for a LONG WHILE. . I weigh just under 120 lbs, and growing up was the weak skinny girl. Coming from a family of athletic boys, I always felt somewhat inferior, and couldn’t play sports to save my life. Lifting heavy has become my sport, and I continue to get better and stronger. This really goes to show what consistency, hard work, and more importantly patience can do! It’s being able to keep going when you want to give up! . To all my girls wanting to get strong, build muscle, and maybe even put on some healthy weight, I’m here to tell you it can be done as long as you keep at it! Don’t be intimidated to move some weight around, because looking good is great and all, but I swear this sense of accomplishment from feeling strong is so much more rewarding! I hope this serves as a little #motivationmonday for you all! 🤗

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Hooray for finding balance! . For a while now, I’ve been making a conscious effort to eat more whole foods, but with room for indulging in stuff like sushi, to ice cream, or even a few drinks on occasion. I think this is eating intuitively?? No food scales or calorie/macro counting, just more aware of what and how much goes in my body. Workout wise, I’ve limited my lifting to no more than 4x a week, and zero cardio (simply bc I don’t like it). I feel like my strength gains came out of no where these last few weeks, and I can see my body changing! I wish I could tell you it’s easy to get to this point; a healthy relationship with food, and continuously progressing in the gym, without feeling like a slave to either. What I can share with you is a few tips that helped me along the way: . 🥑Learn what macronutrients are, and how to track them along with your caloric intake. It all comes down to a science; weight loss= caloric deficit, weight gain =caloric surplus. Which is it that you desire? 📱Try using an app like MyFitnessPal to help calculate. If you never have, I swear it can be so eye opening! 🥗Get familiar with what portions look like in specific foods, especially ones you eat often. I did this for some time before I was able to eyeball almost anything. 🏋🏽‍♀️Get on a workout program that aligns with your goals. I preach heavy lifting, but there was a time 10 lbs of any exercise was heavy to me. So what I really mean is what is challenging for YOU, and what can provide the results you are looking for. I personally feel anyone can benefit from strength training. 📆Stick to it for a while! Until you can notice some changes. What’s a few months of logging to ultimately not having to track for the rest of your life!? . I can take my own advice on this sometimes, as I am continuously learning about my body, but for he most part I’m doing just fine. The human body has always fascinated me, I love what I do. And I encourage you to study yours. You only get one body, one life, please take care of it. . Btw, thank you for the love lately. I do put a lot of thought into my posts and when I get special messages, I can’t even explain how fulfilled it makes me feel!

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Typical #flexfriday post. ...I could end the caption there but then thought, 🤔“What message does that send?” None really. So instead I want to say something that some people may need to hear: . 🖕🏽F THE DAMN SCALE! . It is NOT the best indicator of your progress or even lack thereof. Ok yes, when you have a significant amount of weight to lose, recommended by medical professionals, you do want to see the number go down. . However, I’ve seen people take drastic measures, or lose too much weight too fast, and look and feel like complete 💩. So is that considered healthy? Talking to people on the daily about their goals, often times their initial desire is to be a SPECIFIC weight. Like dead set, “I want to weigh X lbs.” Why? “That’s what I’m supposed to be.” It is? “That’s what I was in high school or my 20’s” 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Then we come to find the real goals are much deeper than a number. If you’ve been working out and trying to improve your eating habits but haven’t really seen the scale budge, then do yourself a favor and: . 📸Take progress photos (why do you think us “fitness people” have so many??). 👗Pay attention to how your clothes fit (feeling lose, baggy, less snug). ☀️Monitor your mood and energy levels (feeling happy, energetic, etc.) . Eat nutritious foods (most of the time), or even eat a donut once in a while! Exercise regularly, and don’t neglect the weight room! And don’t let a number determine your ultimate success. . Is that asking too much?? So there you have it. I’ll wrap it up here and hope everyone enjoys the weekend! #happyfriday 🤗

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✨I’m just happy AF. Can’t you tell?✨ . Happiness is not only a feeling, but a choice. And I may not have everything, but at least I have the power to choose how I feel at all times. And so do you. Too cliché? Ok...so simple, and yet so true! And that is all! . Oh ya, I know I need a tan, but I’m loving my glow these days😉! #happyspring

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