ドラマ『フレンズ』のレイチェル役を演じ、世界中から愛され続けている女優ジェニファー・アニストン。2005年にブラッド・ピットとの離婚で注目を浴びた彼女だけど、その後2011年に交際を始めた俳優で脚本家のジャスティン・セローと結婚し、2人でロサンゼルスの高級住宅街ベル・エアに2100万ドル(約23億円)の豪邸を購入。しばらくベールに包まれていたその豪邸がついに、『Architectural Digest』誌での取材で明らかに!





“If I wasn’t an actress, I’d want to be a designer. I love the process,” says serial home renovator, and superstar actress Jennifer Aniston. “There’s something about picking out fabrics and finishes that feeds my soul.” Aniston’s commitment to the craft was certainly put to the test in her latest residential project, the reimagining of a Bel Air house that was designed by architect A. Quincy Jones and completed in 1965. Aniston enlisted the aid of #AD100 interior designer @stephenshadley to help preserve the modernist ethos of the original scheme while softening some of its sharp lines and outfitting the interior with tactile, organic finishes and furnishings. “Sexy is important, but comfort is essential,” she avers, pointing as evidence to the vintage Jean Royère Polar Bear sofa, Jacques Adnet armchairs, and Mies van der Rohe daybed arranged in the living room, pictured here. Take the full home tour through the #linkinbio Photo by @francoisdischinger; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @lawrenhowell

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Jean RoyereのソファやArturo Paniのカクテルテーブルといった、20世紀のアンティークで囲まれたリビング。「女優をやってなければ、インテリアデザイナーになりたいわ。工程が好きなの。生地や漆喰を選んでいると、魂が満たされるから」と言うほどインテリアが大好きなジェニファー。「セクシーさは重要だけど、心地よさは不可欠だわ」とも話し、美しさと暖かさの共存を大切にしていると語った。

“Every corner you turn, you have an experience. Everywhere you look, you get a vista,” says actress Jennifer Aniston of her recently completed Bel-Air home. “We worked very hard to get that flow right.” The same imperative guided the transformation of the grounds, which previously featured a hillside vineyard. Garden designer @marcellovillano and landscape architect @anneattinger reorganized the alfresco spaces as a series of interconnected outdoor rooms, terraces, and Asian-inspired pocket gardens. Sundays at the Aniston-Theroux home are reserved for cooking and frolicking by the pool with friends, children, and dogs. “We put out a mean taco bar, and the chili’s pretty good in the colder months,” the actress says.Take a closer look inside the home through the #linkinbio Photo by @francoisdischinger; design by @stephenshadley; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @lawrenhowell

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豪邸といえばプール。もちろん夜にはライトアップも! 「どこからでも眺めが見えるように考えたの」というジェニファー。景色の良さと開放感が抜群。





