人はさまざまな局面で大きな選択を迫られるもの。でも、それが命に関わる選択だとしたら…? コスモポリタン アメリカ版が難病に侵されている、ある女性の決断を紹介しています。

<NBC 5>によると、嚢胞性線維症を患う27歳のキャリー・ヘイバーさんは、肺の移植手術を受けたものの適合しなかったそう。カラダが拒否反応を起こしていることから、彼女には2度目の移植手術が必要。しかし専門医は移植過程にキャリーさんのカラダがもたない可能性があることから、手術を許可できない――という状況に陥っているそうです。

「これって…最悪のニュースだと思わない?」と<NBC 5>に語った彼女は、Facebookに胸の内を綴っています。






To the love of my life || "On this day, I give you my whole heart. My promise to be faithful and supportive; and to always make our family's love and happiness my priority. I promise,that I will walk with you,Hand in hand, Wherever our journey leads us. Living, learning, and loving you. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and be your partner through whatever our lives may bring. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I will comfort you when the Ohio State Buckeyes loose, I will give my shoulder when you're in conflict. I will always wait for you while you’re away for work. I vow be more selfless, more compassionate, more driven and more giving. Im sorry, my love, that you won’t always have me in your life, but I promise you every minute I’m alive I will dedicate myself to you. I will never stop fighting to stay alive. You inspire me to fight harder, to put myself through struggle, to look past chaos, to drink ensures and to take my medication. You have made me a better person, and I vow to continue to strive to be better every day. and the best wifey I can be to you. Forever and Always .”#caleighsaysbrydo #fight2breathe

A post shared by Caleigh Sarah Haber (@fight2breathe) on


Still swooning over our most perfect day while aiming to bring awareness to Cystic Fibrosis and organ transplant 👰🏻❤️ || “ When Caleigh Haber’s doctors told her two weeks ago that she wasn’t a good candidate for a second double-lung transplant,..It took the 27-yr-old with cystic fibrosis and her fiance, Bryan Takayama, a day to decide they weren’t ready to wave the white flag.“Caleigh looked at me and said, ‘Screw this, I’m not done fighting,’” said Takayama..“She’s been fighting her whole life and she told me, ‘Being home with you gives me reason to fight.’” || The couple made promises last weekend beyond just in sickness and health. “I will never stop fighting to stay alive because I want to continue to share memories with you,” Haber said in her vows. “I promise to not only share your excitement for life, but to do everything I can to amplify it,” he said to her. •“I fell in love with Caleigh because she appreciates everything about life more than anyone and crappy things happen to her every day,” Takayama said. “If we exhaust all options, we will be happy we tried but will focus on the quality of life with the time we have left.” “ #fight2breathe #cysticfibrosis #65roses #curecf #cfawareness #unos #organdonation #donatelife #recycleyourself #doublelungtransplant #organrejection #wedding #love #foreverandalways #caleighsaysbrydo

A post shared by Caleigh Sarah Haber (@fight2breathe) on







Translation: 宮田華子