
Total OECD production of electricity from Geothermal, Solar, Wind and Other renewables was 873.9TWh in 2016, which was 75.6TWh, or 8.4%, higher than in 2015, with increases seen in all OECD regions. Europe had the smallest increase in this category of 1.9TWh, or 0.4%. In Asia/Oceania, there was an increase of 9.6TWh, or 12.6%. The Americas rose the most with 64.1TWh, or 22.5%, driven by increases in U.S. Solar and Wind of 45% and 19%, respectively.

The European trend contrasts with last year, when Europe showed the highest increases of all of the OECD regions. Solar and Wind dominate, producing roughly 25% and 70%, respectively, of the electricity in this category for Europe and whilst it was a good year for European Solar production, which increased 4337TWh, or 4%, Wind production fell 1%. Germany, which produced roughly 28% of the European Solar and Wind for 2016, had decreases of 1% and 7%, respectively, due to weather conditions. With the aforementioned phase-out of Nuclear, this necessitated an increase in Combustible Fuels.


(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa)