女優としても活躍しているモデルのカーラ・デルヴィーニュが、自身初となる本格小説『Mirror, Mirror』を2017年10月に発売することが明らかに! カーラはインスタグラムに「夢じゃないよね?と何度も確かめたくなる!!  本当に嬉しい!!」と書き込み、鏡越しに原稿用紙を写したセルフィーをアップ。

Another pinch me moment!! Announcing my first novel Mirror, Mirror, coming out this October! SO EXCITED !!! Mirror, Mirror is a twisty coming-of-age story about sixteen year old friends Red, Leo, Naima and Rose who are all trying to figure out who they are and navigate the minefield of school and relationships. Until it all changes one day… (que scary music 😵) I love these characters so much, I love what they stand for, what this story represents. The process of putting this novel together has been life changing and something I hold really close to my heart!! I cannot wait to share with everyone! You can pre-order Mirror, Mirror now by clicking on the link in my bio… lets start one big virtual book club!!! Cause I want us to talk about this time in life, self discovery, friendship, pain, triumph!! Being a teenager!! The experiences that shape YOU! #MirrorMirror

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『Mirror, Mirror』は現在、Amazonにて先行予約がスタート。これまではその独自の個性で魅せてきたカーラがどんな文才を発揮しているのか。早く読みたい!


From: Harper's Bazaar UK