
ところが。コスモポリタン イギリス版によると、今、「#GainingWeightisCool(体重が増えるのは良いこと)」というSNS上のムーブメントが話題になっているそう。

I promise this is my last post of the day. Two things I want you to do rn: head to @krissymaecagney's page and purchase her project. It's the best $16 you'll ever spend. Then head to my Twitter and check out my thread #gainingweightiscool. Women empowerment is fucking incredible. Everyone is saying the thread helped them. Imma be real rn and say it helped me even more. I have been having severe anxiety and self worth issues this week leading up to the LA FIT Expo. It's no secret I've gained weight since the Dallas Europa and sometimes that makes me feel inadequate as a "fitspo". I feel as if I'm unworthy to work booths or to be amongst lean people? Idk why. But then I thought -- damn, I'm more than my body and gaining weight isn't the worst fucking thing in the world. It's actually incredible. And it's only when I start comparing to others that I feel like it isn't. SO BAIIII to that. I feel so happy right now after everyone shared their journeys and stories. I am happpy to say hi this is me. This is my body. It's fucking amazing. It does great things. And this weight gain has been necessary and so freeing on my MIND. I should not feel any less because of it!!!! And neither should you. You should feel strong, healthy, capable, and beautiful. Because you are. I am. And that's fucking legit. Posting this with no filters and no edits because wasssupppp here I am, this is me. This is what I'll look like at the expo and I will be hugging everyone so damn hard and not worrying about if I look as "good" as someone else. Because HEY we all look good and we are all at different stages and how incredible is that??? #very

A post shared by Arianna Dantone (@ariannadantone) on



もしあなたが次々に流行するダイエットにウンザリしているなら、試しに#gainingweightiscoolを検索してみては? そこでは、世界中の女性(最初に始めたのはアリアナ・ダントーネさん)が筋肉増強や身体改造の様子をシェアしているので、彼女たちの努力を見ていると、やる気が出てくるかも。

Not everyone will understand this but I did start gaining weight on purpose. I didn't like being so thin and straight up and down. I didn't like how flat and flabby my butt got. I spent 2016 focused on gaining and building my body. The end of the year I kind of went overboard and started gaining some fat, too. I'm temporarily focused on losing again but I really can't wait to get back into building this body. To some people it's about being as teeny weeny as possible. To see the number on the scale be as low as possible. Personally, I like having muscle, shape, and curves. Being strong and healthy is important to me. But I'm so ready to see where I can go with this. I have learned a lot this last year. Whatever your goals are, keep growing, keep researching, and keep going after what you want. Have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and unstoppable drive. #thickthighthursday #ttt #thickthighs #weightlifting #bodybuilding #weightgain #gains #gainz #girlswholift (sorry I had to delete and repost this cuz I posted the wrong pic without the dates and my height)

A post shared by Anne the Nurse (RN) (@annethenurse) on



#gainingweightiscool • November 2013 👉🏼 January 2017 🎉 When I tried on these pants on the right, my mom made comments like she always does• "you are getting too big" "you look thick" "I like you skinnier" "Why do you want a big butt?" "You better stop lifting those weights before you get any bigger" • Well, I'm here to tell you that the girl on the right is W A Y happier than the girl on the left • I'm not trying to promote only one image on my fitness page but my philosophy is all about what makes YOU happy, my securities and happiness just come from being a little more thick and that's OK! That's MY personal preference • I will never judge another body type because we are all beautiful in our own ways • Fitness is not about being "skinny" to me, it's about choosing health and self-love over self-judgement. Because loving YOURSELF is the greatest revolution 💋

A post shared by Presley (@presleykp.fit) on





Jumping on the #gainingweightiscool bandwagon because this is probably one of the coolest hashtags to ever circulate the fitness industry and gaining weight is the best thing that has happened to me. I remember back like 5-6 years ago I was terrorised of putting on weight because all I wanted to do was shrink shrink shrink. I thought the lower I could make the number on the scale, the happier I would be. I wanted thinner legs and the all important thigh gap! I thought that if I ran 10 miles 5x a day then I must be doing fitness the right way. I wouldn't touch carbs and went down to a size 6. Not everyone will understand but I gained weight on purpose. I didn't like being so thin and straight up and down. I started weightlifting and I like having muscle, shape and curves. Now I want quads that can crush someone! I eat all types of food that I want with no restrictions! I love these results, this lifestyle and this fitness community 🌟👊🏽💗🏋🏽‍♀️

A post shared by Jaya Mehta (@jayamehta_) on

流行の#gainingweightiscoolに乗ってみたのは、これがフィットネス業界で出回った最もカッコいいハッシュタグの1つで、体重を増やすのはこれまで私に起こった1番いいことだったから。思えば5、6年前は、とにかく痩せたくて、太るのが恐ろしくてたまらなかった。体重計の数字が小さくなればなるほど、幸せになると信じてた。もっと細い脚、何より、太ももの間のすき間が欲しかった! 1日に10マイル(16キロ)を5回走るのが、正しいフィットネスのやり方に違いないと思ってた。炭水化物は一切口にせず、サイズを6(日本の9号)にまで落とした。でも、あまりに痩せていて真っ直ぐなのがイヤだった。ウェイトリフティングを始めて、筋肉やメリハリがついたのが嬉しい。今欲しいのは誰かを打ちのめすことができる大腿四頭筋で、今では制限なしで何でも食べてる! 私はこの結果やライフスタイル、このフィットネスコミュニティに満足してるわ。

This ones for all you, beautiful, inspiring women out there giving a big 🖕🏼u to the media that tells us we're never good enough #gainingweightiscool 🙋🏻 __________ You know what's also cool? Doing whatever the hell makes you feel happy, healthy & empowered. I was proud of my body in the left picture, just as I am in the right. In the left I was 1 day out from the UKBFF British Finals, I was 53kg and I'd given my absolute all in prep, I'd pushed my mind and body further than I thought possible so why wouldn't I be proud of the result? On the right, me currently, around 62kg, training hard everyday, pretty much zero cardio (if you like cardio that's cool too 👍🏼) & eating well 80% the time but relaxing the other 20%. I have SO much energy and sometimes I scare myself with just how motivated I am for everything I have planned this year 🙆🏻. I train 6 days a week not because I feel I have to, but because I genuinely, absolutely love it. Do what YOU love, because if you do that I feel like you can't help but learn to love yourself in the process. Do I have moments where I feel uncomfortable now? Hell yes I do! Did I have moments where I felt uncomfortable in the left picture? Hell yes. I feel like people preach self-love as if it's a given, like a switch you can just flick on. I see it more as a wave; I have my ups and my downs, but you just have to ride it out 💛 AC🐨 __________ PS. @ariannadantone I haven't even met you girl (only heard bomb things from my girl @gracefituk 💁🏻) but damn I hope I do one day 👋🏼 __________ #fitspo #transformation #fitness #sweatwithkayla #fitfam #ukfitfam #girlswithmuscle #girlgains #iifymgirls #motivation #girlswholift #fitgirls #bbguk #thekaylamovement #ukbff #ukbffbikini #fitnessgirls #bulklife #bodybuilding #offseason #bbgprogress #gracefitchallenge #transformationtuesday #fitnessprogress

A post shared by AC🐨 + LP🐢 (@gains4girls) on

左の写真の私は、右の写真のときと同じくらい自分を誇りに思ってた。左は、全英ボディビル&フィットネス連盟大会のファイナル翌日の写真で、体重は53キロ。完璧な準備をして、心も体もできると思っていた以上に調子を上げていったんだから、結果に誇りを持てないわけがないわよね? 右は、今の私。62キロ前後で、毎日キツいトレーニングをして、ほとんど有酸素運動はナシ(もしあなたが有酸素運動好きなら、それもカッコイイわよ)&80%は健康的な食事をして、20%はリラックス。自分にすごくエネルギーがあるのがわかるし、今年予定していたことに対してもとてもやる気があって、自分でも時々、恐いくらい。



Translation:mayuko akimoto